Venice – 250 Churches to See!
Uness you are searching for a particular church, a simple rule for Venice is this: if there is an open door in a church, enter. Each one is unique, but everyone is splendid and unique. Even without knowing the names of the architects, sculptors or artists, the churches inspire awe and peace through their beauty.
A good follow-up is to note the names of the churches and when allowed, take a photo of some of the paintings, mosaics, and sculptures and then look them up afterwards. You will find treasures just in the names. The churches were decorated by some of the greatest artists and architects of the times, such as Palladio, Titian, Bellini, Donatello, Tintoretto, and Veronese, just to mention a couple.
Novels and films may also inspire a search for a particular church, such as the Church of the Archangel Raphael (La Chiesa di Angelo Raffaele), believed to have been founded in 416, or 650, and central in the book, “Miss Garnet’s Angel by Sally Vickers. That will have to be on my next trip, as I did not make it to the Dorsoduoro this time.