Leaving San Francisco

Sitting on a balcony overlooking Rice Lake, in Ontario, Canada, I am living the first step of the new chapter of my life.
Ten years ago, I decided that I wanted to live half time in Italy and half time in San Francisco. When I turned 60, I decided that I either had to do it or shut up about it!
I gave up my apartment of 26 years, got rid of almost all of my belongings, packed a 22” carry-on suitcase and a small carry-on backpack, and hopped on an airplane.
My official status now is “of no fixed address,” aka a vagabond or nomad. I jokingly said “homeless” one day but was corrected by a friend who told me I had many homes, meaning with friends and family, which is a comforting thought.
That original plan has evolved. For now, I am going to travel for exploration, fun and a bit of investigation to find my eventual home on a warm water beach, probably somewhere on the Mediterranean. While I used to say I had plans (probably to reassure myself and everyone else), I now realize that I just have ideas, and am willing to follow what comes up, to remain open.
I am very excited, but am not without moments of being scared. Many people have suggested that I am fearless to take this huge step. I’m not. I definitely had some serious moments of doubt and wanting to stay comfortable. It was a huge decision to move away from my friends and a full, established life.
But when I had those moments, I literally said to myself “Never let fear dictate anything in your life.” My other self-reminder was “if not now, when?”
Even after all the purging and preparation, I could have changed my mind, until the moment that I closed the door on the apartment that final time. I took a deep breath, smiled, said good-bye and felt a huge door open in my heart with the sense of possibility, unknown adventures and new friends.
I look at how 10 years went by in a blink of the eye, and don’t want to wake up 10 years from now, not having followed my dreams. Living in Europe and experiencing the rest of the world have been dreams for my entire life. Now is the time.