In 2017, I gave up my apartment of 25 years to travel full-time, funding my travels through being a digital nomad – travel writing, proofreading, translating and other freelance things. Housesitting and volunteering also help reduce expenses but more importantly, gave me cultural immersion and a much deeper and better experience.
All photos are my own, as they tell part of the story. They are authentic and real. I do not use filters and use minimal editing just to “remove the gray” i.e. make the picture a little clearer. That’s it – no special effects, no alterations, no filters.
I honestly can’t say what drives me to travel and to see and experience always more of the world, since the desire started at an early age. Perhaps because I always knew that wisdom comes from many places, and there is no one, right way, but many. Connecting with people has always been important to me, and learning their stories and sharing their lives, I am enriched, and also ever more appreciative.
Regardless of where I am, I know that it is what I become through my travels that makes my life better, hence the name of my site “Travel Better Live Better.” And this is what I hope to share with you, not through my writing as much as the encouragement to go and do, see and experience the world beyond your own borders, and certainly beyond your comfort zone. Be curious and open-minded.
The live better part also comes from having a global perspective of human rights and environmental issues. They play a growing role in my travel and writing, from products that I use to where I stay and how I travel. Travel better, live better for the planet and for the other citizens of the world.
Please note that product sales (some of my own creation and some other peoples’), also help to fund my travels as do compensation from advertising and links to other products and programs.
Please read, enjoy, use what information you can and share! And I would love to hear from you, too.
Thanks for visiting and reading.
Chris Wildgen.