2 Cool Souvenirs from the Galapagos

Granted, being there wasn’t free, I was on the National Geographic/Linblad Expedition boat The Islander, for a 7 day tour of the Galapagos Islands.
Cool Souvenir number one was the pin for crossing the Equator, which happened while I was on the bridge with the Captain, looking at the instrument showing 0 degrees. The photo by itself would have been enough, but then the crew held a big yellow tape representing the equator, and we passed, or limboed, under it. Afterwards, we all received the “I crossed the equator” pin.
Cool souvenir number two was a certificate for having completed the Mega-Swim, meaning that rather taking the zodiac from the beach to the boat, I, along with 7 other passengers, swam the 710 yards. I elected to wear both snorkel and fins because I didn’t want to miss seeing any marine life.

The certificate says:
Urvina Bay Megaswim, February 24, 2016. This certificate hereby certifies that Chris Wildgen made the long-distance swim of 650 meters (or 2,132 feet/710 yards) from the beach of Urvina Bay, braving the cormorant, penguin and pelican-infested waters of Galapagos to the anchorage of the National Geographic Islander at 00 degress 24.05 S / 91 degrees 13.75 W with no outside assistance of any kind and fired by plain stubbornness to complete a mission once started.”
I love how the Linblad crew made both things a memorable, fun and celebratory event.